This is a story about the hobby of amateur
radio, written for both licensed "hams" and others. I'll try to
define jargon when I use it and explain processes as clearly as
possible in a world of complexity. I've taken on this endeavor to
share some of what I've seen in my 68 years of ham radio. I was
first licensed at age 14 in 1957.
Ham radio itself is amateur. No business
activity by hams using amateur radio frequencies is allowed, although
many use the skills they learned as hams to gain employment in
profit-seeking endeavors. What constitutes business activity is
often disputed.
The use of the term "ham radio" can be tracked
back more than 100 years, although there is disagreement about how
amateur radio operators came to be called "hams". There are about
700,000 licensed amateur radio operators in the United States, although
fewer than half of them are on the air. All have call signs.
Since the postwar era began, amateur radio
call signs have been based on the person's class of license. At
first I held a non-renewable novice license (since abolished). My
first call sign was KN6YNB. When I passed the exam for a
general class license, the "n" was dropped and I became K6YNB under
policies of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). Later I passed the exam for the
extra class license. During the FCC's first-ever vanity call sign
program (which was only for extra class licensees) I asked for and
received N6NB as my call sign in 1977. Now the FCC has a vanity
call sign program under which any licensee can request any available
call sign for which he/she is qualified by license class.
The FCC issues call signs to on-the-air
broadcasters, "land mobile" systems (for example, a fleet of trucks),
aircraft owners and many others who are authorized to transmit a radio
or television signal on the air. Cable television networks do not
transmit over the air and are only indirectly regulated by the FCC,
freeing them from many federal regulations including restrictions on
their language and content.
When I got on the air in 1957, ham radio was
dominated by veterans who had learned about radio technology in the
military, World War II had ended less than 12 years earlier and
the Korean War ended not even four years earlier. The veterans
were called "the greatest generation" in a book title by award-winning
television journalist Tom Brokaw. Some members of "the greatest
generation" had little sympathy for teen-agers like me who were
trying to learn from them. Ham radio operators were (and are)
known for their concept of "elmering" (helping beginners) but not all
of the veterans wanted to be elmers.
In the early postwar era, there were many war
stories circulating. One of the best, I think, was about a
wartime incident in the South Pacific. An American unit was
looking for individual Japanese soldiers who could be captured and
questioned. An American who happened to be a ham radio operator
back home (although hams were forbidden to transmit during the war)
managed to surprise and tackle a Japanese soldier. As the soldier
went down, a copy of "QST", the magazine published by ARRL, the
national association of U.S. ham radio operators, fell out of his
pocket. One of the first things the American asked the
now-captured Japanese soldier was if he had a call sign. In good
English, the Japanese man gave a call sign that was consistent with the
prewar call-sign policies in Imperial Japan. Some versions of
this story say the American and the Japanese man had "worked"
(contacted) each other before the war. That they would remember
such a contact in the middle of a war struck me as unlikely.
Granted, U.S. hams had made numerous overseas contacts before the war,
but most of those were by the impersonal mode of "Morse" code, not by
voice. Morse code was made famous for modern viewers by James
Cameron's 1997 film, Titanic, which depicted the heroism of a Morse
operator who remained on the air as the ship sank after hitting an
ARRL was originally called the American Radio
Relay League and the acronym survived long after relaying "radiograms"
by Morse code ceased to be the dominant interest of most hams.
By the time I got on the air in 1957, Morse
code was in decline everywhere except amateur radio, Even among
hams, the use of Morse tanked after the FCC and regulators in many
other countries dropped Morse testing from license exams. The FCC
dropped Morse because it was seen as irrelevant in this era of high
quality worldwide digital communications and satellites.
Ironically, those digital technologies also contributed to a decline in
the appeal of worldwide ham radio communications via Morse and "phone"
(voice). However, digital technology also made the use of "WSJT"
attractive to thousands of hams. "WSJT" is a digital mode largely
created by Dr. Joe Taylor (K1JT), former provost at Princeton University and a
Nobel laureate in physics. It is distributed for free on
Princeton's website. It makes a home computer into a very
sensitive digital communications terminal. It has associated
modes for uses such as high speed meteor scatter (use of meteors
entering the Earth's atmosphere to create communications over paths of
up to about 1,500 miles), and e.m.e. (earth-moon-earth or "moonbounce"
communications) by detecting weak signals reflecting off the moon's
surface over paths of up to 500,000 miles round trip.
In my first year
on the air I used the prevailing modes of the day (Morse code and
voice) with the station shown in the photo. It was called a
"novice" station because such stations were often used by people who
held the FCC's novice license (since abolished) and were
strapped for cash. It was capable of spanning surprising
distances, especially during peaks of the 11-year solar sunspot cycle
that enhances global propagation. One of the best sunspot cycles
ever, Cycle 19, peaked in 1957-58. I was lucky, but I
didn't know that until later. The cycle numbers can be traced
back to the 1700s, when scientists first started counting sunspots and
quickly determined that there is an 11-year cycle of peaks and
valleys. It wiscovered in the early 1900s that the solar
sunspot peaks correlate with dramatic improvements in long-distance radio
After I passed the exam for a
general class license and was freed of the restrictions on the use of
voice by novices, I began to follow my friends who were also former novices. Even back then ham radio fell into several
categories. Some loved "working DX" (making long distance
contacts) and would earn DXCC (an award granted by ARRL to those who
contacted 100 countries and submitted proof of their achievement)
before these young hams went off to coll ege
One term that is often used in this article is
"MHz". It stands for megaHertz and is named in honor of German
physicist Heinrich Hertz, who proved the existence of radio waves in
the late 1800s.
By the 1950s, many hams were not only
excited about working DX but also operating in "radio contests"
sponsored by ARRL and other organizations. A radio contest is an
operating event in which hams try to contact as many other stations in
as many geographic entities as possible, with their scores determined
by multiplying their number of contacts by the number of geographic
entities ("multipliers"). Having a lot of multipliers results in
a much higher score than would be possible if the operator only sought
to make contacts at a high "rate", ignoring the effects of a low
multiplier total. Multipliers are usually geographic entities
like countries or states.
In some VHF (very high frequency) contests the
multipliers are called "grid squares" and they are one degree of
latitude by two degrees of longitude in size (about 60 by 120 miles in
most of the U.S.) and become much smaller near the north and south
poles. Grid squares are mainly used on the highest frequencies
and the shortest wavelengths, like six meters (50 MHz) , two meters
(144 MHz) or 70 centimeters (432 MHz). The higher the
frequency, the shorter the wavelength is. On a wavelength of 3
centimeters (10,000 MHz), any contact is considered a technical
achievement. At that frequency multipliers are available that are
unavailable to those who only have lower frequencies. There is a
microwave incentive built into the rules for some contests, rewarding
those who build reliable equipment for the microwave bands with higher
scores. Each multiplier is counted on a given band and is counted
again if the operator contacts that grid square again on another band.
There are other details of contest rules that
can affect some hams' scores. Radio clubs have been a major
feature of ham radio since its beginning. Clubs provide a place
for hams to meet each other and plan for public service events. They also host guest speakers on many
topics. I was a frequent guest speaker when I was an elected vice
director of ARRL. In many contests there is a club "aggregate"
competition in which all members can submit their scores to their
club's total score as well as having their scores listed individually in the
contest sponsor's results. This club competition is hotly
contested. Some clubs such as the Potomac Valley Radio Club have
dominated the club competition for years, fighting off various
challengers for top honors. In contests there are categories
including single operator (one licensed operator) and multioperator
(two or more licensed operators). Both are eligible to
participate in the club competition.
In addition to local and regional clubs there
are nationwide organizations such as ARRL in the U.S. and RSGB (the
Radio Society of Great Britain) in the U.K. Almost all
countries have such organizations. For example, there is NZART
(the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters) and DARC (the
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club) in Germany, among many
others. On top of all that, there are international entities such
as IARU (the International Amateur Radio Union). All play a role
in representing the interests of amateur radio at worldwide conferences
that determine how much of the radio spectrum is left for amateur radio
use. Those who oppose the hams are usually powerful international
companies that would leave almost none of the spectrum to hobbyists.
In the 1950s there was a huge problem that
isn't even a minor problem for most modern-day radio amateurs:
TVI (television interference) and RFI (interference to other electronic
devices). When I got on the air in 1957, dealing with angry
neighbors was a daily reality. As a young ham, I was an easy
target. My 35-watt AM transmitter wiped out neighbors' TV
reception. Many people owned older TV sets with 21 MHz IFs
(intermediate frequencies) that were great at picking up signals on the
15-meter amateur band (also 21 MHz). At first I was safer because novice hams
were only allowed to use Morse code on 15 meters. But when I
passed my general class license exam and got on phone there was hell in
the neighborhood. Irate people formed mobs and stormed my
house, terrifying my parents. Several times bags of human
excrement ruptured on the driveway. Some called the local FCC
office to complain. The FCC's standard answer was that only TV
sets of good engineering design were protected from TVI from nearby
hams---even young ones. That infuriated my neighbors.
A few years later I moved to my own house to
be closer to my first college teaching job. I bought a tower and
a kilowatt rig. I was more conspicuous and the neighbors were
even angrier. My neighbors gathered at my door and circulated
petitions to the FCC. but advances in technology saved many hams,
including me. Many more TV sets were of good engineering
design. In fact, both receivers and transmitters got
better. Many TV sets and other home electronic devices became
better at rejecting out-of-band (but strong) local signals.
Transmitters were filtered to suppress in-band but spurious signals on
frequencies used by broadcasters. A reality that often went
unspoken was that in the 1950s some transmitters had excessive spurious
signals on TV channels. Broadcasters also migrated to higher
frequencies further away from the most popular ham bands when digital
TV arrived. Cable systems with proper shielding provided another
barrier to TVI complaints. ARRL staff members and the ARRL lab
provided good support to hams. The lab tested ham transmitters
and published the results. TVI became a footnote in
the history of ham radio, not a nightmare.
Emergency communications (now called "emcomm")
was a popular sub-interest within amateur radio from its early
days. It involves hams using their portable radio equipment
(which has changed a lot) to provide communications at the scene of
fires, earthquakes, hurricanes and many other natural disasters.
These days access to those events is strictly regulated and hams often
provide public service communications at events such as bike races,
marathons, and parades. But when first responders' own radio
networks and cellphones fail, they may welcome help from hams, whose
ham-to-ham communications are so infrastructure-free that they function
well when all else fails.
Today hams use low-power hand-held radios with
"rubber duck" antennas that only have a short range, especially in
cities and wooded areas. These small radios would be almost
useless without repeaters, often located on mountaintops or tall
buildings. Repeaters can hear weak signals and retransmit them at
much higher power and with better antennas, extending the range
from a few miles to an entire metropolitan area. Despite
that, repeaters are banned in most radio contests precisely
because of their range-extending capability. Those who have
invested a lot of time and money in building their own big stations do
not want their efforts nullified by small stations using
repeaters. When repeaters first moved from commercial users
to hams in the 1960s and 1970s they were widely used to keep members of
a club or community in touch. Almost everyone wanted to have a
repeater back then, but over time activity dwindled and many repeaters
went off the air.
When I first got on the air in 1957, ham radio
was barely 50 years old. Activity patterns were about to change
dramatically as technology advanced. Many modern uses of radio
did not exist in the early days. The 1950s saw the near
abandonment of amplitude modulation (AM) and its replacement by
frequency modulation (FM) and single sideband (SSB). Radio
pioneer Edwin Howard Armstrong famously demonstrated the superiority of
FM over AM for the broadcasting of music because of its immunity to the
noise (static) that plagued AM listeners. FM replaced AM as the
leading source of broadcast music after World War II. By the
1950s it proved its superiority for voice use as well.
SSB had been in use for expensive
point-to-point voice communication systems in the 1930s. It was
clearly superior to AM for long-distance communications. SSB got
its name from the fact that it is possible to suppress one of the two
voice sidebands and all of the carrier (the part of an AM signal you
can hear over the air), leaving about four times the power and half the
bandwidth in the remaining signal. It was also shown quickly that
a given transmitter could be operated at several times its AM power
because of the low duty cycle of SSB.
Perhaps the biggest change in amateur
that came with the advent of SSB was the near end of cross-band voice
operation in which the two stations operate on very different
frequencies. During the postwar era most other countries allowed
voice operation on many more frequencies than the U.S. did. For a
U.S station hoping to contact other countries on phone, that meant transmitting
in the very crowded U.S. phone bands and hoping overseas stations would
abandon their relative tranquility and would tune up into the bedlam of
American bands. It made many U.S. hams feel like second-class
people. Some
foreign hams liked it because they could talk to each other without
interference from U.S. hams. The advent of transceivers changed
that. Many early transceivers had only limited cross-band
capability--unlike modern trasceivers with A-B switches to allow
instant transmitting on one frequency and listening on a different
frequency. The result: many overseas operators began moving
up to the American phone bands, making the world a more equal
place. Soon the rules were changed to allow U.S. hams to use the
same frequencies as hams in most of the rest of the world. Now
hams in
rare countries will sometimes say something like "listening up three"
to indicate they want callers to stay off the rare station's transmit
frequency to reduce interference. Most operators comply with such
instructions; those who don't get called unprintable names.
Another factor was that the American bands had far less bedlam after
SSB became the dominant mode. The SSB signals had a bandwith of
less than 3 kHz (AM signals were about 10 kHz wide). Even
more important was that with the carrier suppressed, SSB signals
generated none of the screeches and squeals made when two carriers are
on adjacent channels.
Postwar advances in technology made SSB
affordable to ham radio operators. Manufacturers began making
equipment for the amateur market in the 1950s. But when I
operated in "phone sweepstakes" in 1959 almost all of the activity was
still on traditional AM. I finished second in the Los Angeles
section without even owning a transmitter capable of SSB. (The
ham who beat me was number two nationally). However, by 1965
almost all activity was on SSB, not AM. AM transmitters
came to be called "boat anchors" because they needed heavy modulation
transformers not needed for SSB.
No change in radio technology was more
profound than the transition from vacuum tubes to transistors and then
to chips. Vacuum tubes were large, power-hungry glass objects that
glowed in the dark. Tubes helped the radio pioneers make global
two-way contacts before 1910 and they also made my first station
work. The 1957 photo of my station showed nothing that didn't use
vacuum tubes. That was the end of an era. I bought my first
transistor radio in 1959. It covered the AM broadcast band and
several shortwave bands but it could not copy SSB or Morse code
That radio quickly became obsolete. By
the mid-1960s several manufacturers were making all-solid-state
transceivers (radios that have a transmitter and a receiver in one
box). Although some still used vacuum tubes during this
transitional period, the trend was clearly away from tubes.
Manufacturers were not only making transistor radios but also radios
using large scale integration. LSI involves combining many
transistors of various types in one small package. Modern
"chips" have hundreds or thousands of transistors that all function
together to make a cellphone or a car work as intended.
By the 1970s vacuum tube and transistor radios
had been replaced. The result was transceivers and cellphones
that were tiny and powered by tiny batteries. It's been said that
if a modern cellphone had to be made with vacuum tubes, it would fill a
large room all by itself and it would need heavy cables for
power. Besides, vacuum tubes could never do many of the things
cellphones do because of their frequency limitations.
Another notable example of evolving technology
has been the use of ham radio communications satellites.
Soon after the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in late 1957, hams
envisioned satellites dedicated to use by hams. AMSAT (the
Amateur Radio Satellite Corporation) was founded in 1959 and the first
amateur satellite was launched three years later. A continuing
problem for AMSAT is that launching a satellite is expensive even if
the satellite was designed and built with volunteer labor. Hams
have been able to obtain unsold payload space on rockets for free but
that is still a challenge.
One way to spot a satellite ground station is
to look for its distinctive antennas. The antennas will often be
pointed upward and designed to track a satellite as it passes across
the sky. The antennas will often be "cross polarized" with a set
of horizontal elements (resembling rods) and a second set of vertical
elements. This is done because the ground station must be able to
track the satellite as it spins and is affected by its
polarization. An antenna with horizontal elements is much weaker
if it is trying to contact a station using vertical elements. The
solution is for the earth station to feed half of its power to vertical
elements and the other half to horizontal elements. That is
not a perfect solution because there are also polarization shifts as a
radio signal passes through the earth's atmosphere. Contacts with
satellites or the International Space Station are a common feature in
school demonstrations of ham radio scheduled in advance by teachers and
coordinated by ham radio organizations worldwide.
Another new thing is the rapid growth of
"Field Day". Field Day is mainly a weekend outing in late June
that involves setting up a station (including antennas) in a park or on
a mountaintop and then using off-the-grid power sources like generators
or solar panels to run the station. On Sunday afternoon the
antennas usually come down with dignity except when Murphy's Law
applies (it says anything that can go wrong will go
wrong). Clubs and other groups report having a total of
30,000 or more people participating in Field Day. Some are mainly
chefs who serve meals or antenna-builders whose work is done before the
actual operating begins. Some groups report that a few members do
everything. The operating is not a contest, although it sounds
like one. Some clubs have a turnout of more than 50
people; some are much smaller. There are also categories for
people operating from home or a car.
Obviously, use of the Internet is another new
reality. Some hams spend more time talking to ham friends online
than on the air. Most Internet sites have interest groups for
hams and ham radio websites are everywhere. Some repeaters are
linked to the Internet, allowing users of hand-held radios in
California to chat with similarly equipped stations in Europe.
ARRL has a major Internet presence, including
ARRL.org. It also has "logbook of the world" that makes it easy
to win awards--provided the ham on the other end of each contact also
uploads a log. ARRL.org has many feaures, including news,
technical content, and contest results. Many other hams have
websites. Mine is N6NB.com.
Over the last 68 years I've experienced many of the
old and new amateur radio events and activities. It has been my
pleasure to watch it all happen. I started when all radio
equipment had vacuum tubes and saw the arrival of ham gear linked to
the Internet.
I would like to thank my spouse, Carrie Tai,
W6TAI, and my sister in law, Marie Tai, W1TAI, for their support.
I also had help from hundreds of other people, both hams and people who
never held a call sign. Some of them motivated me or helped me to
publish 20 editions of a university textbook, "Major Principles of
Media Law". Others politely listened to my annual talks about
changes in the law affecting college student media at the Morro Bay
faculty retreats of the Journalism Association of Community
Colleges. Then there were hams who mentored me through several
generations of amateur radio.
-Wayne Overbeck, N6NB