A Field Day-style DX contest...

During the early 1980s members and friends of the Southern California Contest Club put together  several Field Day-style operations on mountaintops in Mexico for the CQ Worldwide DX contest.  The key ingredient:  towing a bunch of tower trailers across the border and setting up in a high, clear location.  The photos here are from the CQ WW SSB test in 1983. 

20 meters--on a 70' tower trailer... 

Five elements each on 15 and 10 on two more tower trailers...
Two elements on 40 on still another tower trailer... 

Some of the operators in the SCCC/XE2SI effort...








N6TR (left) and WA6OTU
N6ZZ (left) and AA6RX 

How did this one turn out?  It was the highest multi-multi score on the west coast of North America, but it confirmed what most of us already knew:  it's difficult to produce a world-class score in a DX contest from this side on the continent. 

-Wayne Overbeck, N6NB

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