Links to web pages
on this site:
Microwave world DX records
Roving:  history and bicoastal adventures
August UHF Contest

Ham radio in 1957 and now
RF safety
65 years of 
2012 E51YNB and E51TAI DXpeditions
The Quagi antenna at age 50
A VHF/UHF triband cubical quad
10-band "toolbox" stations
for roving

Small senior rovers

Building a tower trailer from a kit
Measuring antenna gain
Building the contest station in 
Contests in Tehachapi
The 2011 fire
Ice storms at 7,000 feet
The N6NB beacons
SCCC Field Days
A Field Day-style DX contest in Mexico

    Welcome to N6NB.com.  This site is about amateur radio.  It discusses topics such as VHF/UHF weak signal operating, roving, contests, the Quagi antenna design, a VHF/UHF triband cubical quad design, 10-band "toolbox" stations for roving, building a tower trailer from a kitmeasuring antenna gain, and RF safety. There are also pages about building the Tehachapi contest station, the N6NB beacons and the problem of ice storms in the mountains.  There are photo albums of several Southern California Contest Club Field Days, a Field Day-style DX contest in Mexico, and the 2012 E51YNB/E51TAI operations. Sadly, now there's a page describing the 2011 fire that destroyed the Tehachapi contest station. 
     This website is an ongoing project.  Most recent revisions:  2/12/2025.   Recently added or revised: 60 years of VHF adventures, roving page, RF safety page, SBMS Contest rules and results, setting microwave world records (now including a link to a narrated PowerPoint show with videos), small senior rovers, and August UHF Contest results.

   A personal note:  I've been involved in many aspects of amateur radio over the 68 yeir.years I've been licensed.  It's been fun.  I did some of the earliest portable e.m.e. (moonbounce) work--in places ranging from Alaska to the Utah-Nevada border.  Early on I found out I liked radio contests and also building things for the VHF, UHF and microwave bands.  In the 1960s I discovered that "mountaintopping" made it easier to win the VHF/UHF contests that are sponsored four times a year by ARRL, the national association for amateur radio.  By 1980, I had finished #1 nationally in the single operator category of 12 VHF or UHF contests--all while operating in a parked van or camper on various mountaintops from coast to coast.  That resulted in several scoring records  that were never broken under the section multiplier scoring system.  (In the 1980s latitude and longitude-based grid squares replaced ARRL sections as multipliers and then more categories were added, including the rover, high power, low power and QRP categories).  Under the new system I won another 26 contests nationally as a rover and seven in the QRP portable category, setting scoring records for the January, June and September VHF contests and the August UHF contest.  I've now won at least an ARRL division leader certificate in a VHF contest in SEVEN decades:  the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s and now the 2020s, with at least one #1 score nationally in six of those decades. 
     The Tehachapi Mountain antenna farm (shown above) was the realization of a longtime dream:  to have a good non-portable station on a mountaintop.  Building the buildings and putting up the towers was a lot of work, but when the weather was bad it was a luxury to operate inside a building on a good mountaintop, not in a car (until the fire, see above). 
    Portable VHF contesting prompted me to look for better and simpler antennas.  With the help of Will Anderson, AA6DD, I designed the Quagi antenna on a backyard antenna range in 1972.  That led to the ARRL Technical Excellence Award in 1977 and helped me win the Radio Amateur of the Year award at Dayton in 1980.  I also received the John Chambers Memorial Award of the Central States VHF Society in 1978 and again 37 years later in 2015.
    I served four terms as an elected ARRL vice director in the 1980s and early 1990s and was chairman of the ARRL Contest Advisory Committee during the 1970s.  I've also done some writing about amateur radio, including a number of articles for QST, CQ and Ham Radio magazines.  I co-authored a book about amateur radio with Jim Steffen, KC6A,  Computer Programs for Amateur Radio (Hayden Book Co., 1984).  I also wrote several college textbooks, including 20 editions of Major Principles of Media Law, and was a university professor for 37 years, mostly at California State University, Fullerton.  I hold Ph.D. and J.D. degrees and have been a member of the California Bar since 1975 (now retired/inactive).
     On Aug. 31, 2023, I fell down at home and spent the next year in hospitals and nursing homes.  I was overjoyed when I was allowed to return home and eventually to get back on the air.

     New in 2025: Ham radio since 1957, an eyewitness account (new photos added 2/24/2025)

-Wayne Overbeck, N6NB

Entire website copyright 2025 by Wayne Overbeck